
Showing posts with the label #owls

What to Know about Watercolor Painting

  Watercolor by Marie Paknejad Watercolor painting is a medium that is widely appreciated by artists for its unique properties and ethereal effects. Utilizing the medium's alchemy of water, pigment, and paper, watercolor painting can create evocative, luminous, and highly effective works of art. Watercolor painting has a long history and a wide range of techniques, from basics to advanced, that can be employed to achieve various visual effects. In this essay, we will explore the basics and advanced techniques of watercolor painting, providing readers with insights into its fascinating world. Basics of Watercolor Painting Watercolor painting can be a daunting medium for beginners, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. Practicing fundamentals and mastering the basic techniques will give artists an excellent foundation for the more advanced techniques to come. Here are the basics of watercolor painting: 1. Materials To start watercolor painting, artists need watercolor paper,

My Limited Palette Painting Challenge

Acrylic painting by Marie Paknejad   Lately, I have been fixated on the mystery of owls for their captivating eyes, reclusive nature and majestic presence. The fact that they are nightly creatures with shining eyes prompted me to portray them in an environment of extreme contrast.  These owl painting series are an example of my experience with limited palette of yellow, black and white. Limited palette painting challenge is fun and efficient. One can achieve color harmony without producing mud. The challenge is to achieve desired tonal value, tint and shades using various warm and cold hues of one or two colors; in this case blacks and yellows. Yellow grays to olive green; so, in order to achieve different shades of green, I mixed different yellows with different blacks. My owl paintings intend to express a silent hypnotic emotion of mystery and serenity to the viewer. The same emotions that I experience by looking at their hypnotic eyes even when they blink or are closed! Share Your T

Limited Palette Technique

  Acrylic painting by Marie Paknejad Limited palette technique is a painting technique where the artist only uses a limited range of colors to create a painting. This technique is usually used to simplify the complexity of a painting and to create a harmonious color scheme. The limited palette is usually made up of 3 to 6 colors with a mixture of primary and secondary colors. To paint with a limited palette technique, the artist carefully chooses the colors they want to use and then mixes these colors to create variations in color and tone. The artist then layers these colors to create depth and form in the painting. The key here is to use a small number of colors to achieve a wide range of values from light to dark. The limited palette technique requires the artist to be very careful in their color choices and to use them in such a way that they harmonize with each other. This technique requires a lot of practice and skill to master, but once mastered, it can create beautiful, cohesiv